
What We Believe


We believe in the one God revealed in Scripture.  We believe this one God is the creator of the universe, established His covenant with Abraham to reveal Himself to the world through the Hebrew people.  God made Himself known to Moses, spoke through the prophets, and invites us into a relationship with Him. We believe God exists in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe He is a good Father, motivated by love, and is God for us.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh to reveal the Father to humanity as Savior of the world. We affirm the historic creeds, that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, taught with great power, performed many miracles, was crucified, dead, and buried.  We believe on the third day he physically rose from the dead. We trust the death of Jesus Christ on the cross provides forgiveness of sins to all who believe. We believe His resurrection established Jesus as Lord over all creation and victory over sin and death. Salvation and eternal life is found in Christ alone. Jesus invites us to confess our sin and believe in His death and resurrection.  We believe the Father gave Jesus to the world to be God with us.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is the real presence of God in our world and the heart of every believer.  We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every decision. The Holy Spirit is the gift Jesus promised as He ascended into heaven, birthed the Church and continues to move in the world, drawing people to the Father. We believe the Holy Spirit changes us.  God didn’t want us to be alone, so He gave us the Holy Spirit to be God with us.

The Church

We believe in the Church.  The local church is the hope of the world and is God’s plan to share the message of Jesus with every generation. The Church is the body of Christ for the sake of the world. We see ourselves as part of the Global Christian Church with all those who have trusted in Jesus by faith and have been baptized into that faith.  We exist to live for Christ, not ourselves.  With our brothers and sisters around the world, we seek to glorify God by loving him, making him known to the world by sharing the Good News about Jesus and exemplifying Jesus’ command to love others as He loved us. We want to be a church known not by what we’re against but by what we’re for.

The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that the scripture writers were led by the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible tells a story through the Old and New Testaments of God’s love for the world and hope for humanity. Everything necessary for salvation can be found in Scripture, and we believe it can be trusted. As a church, we lean on the Bible as our foundation for how we see ourselves and the world, and it serves as a “light unto our path” in decision making. The Bible is trustworthy, so we teach and encourage obedience to the Word because we believe it has the power to transform our lives and represents God’s best for us.


We believe you, like all humans, are created in the image of God.  We believe God has a plan for your life that is far better than any of us could imagine. God wants to have a relationship with you and has a purpose for you. We believe you’re a lot like us, and that we’ve all done things that have broken the relationship God intended to have and mess up the purpose for which we were created. People call this sin, disobedience, or missing the mark.  Whatever you call it, here’s the bottom line: things haven’t gone perfectly. Because we’re not perfect.  We believe in second chances and that you are loved no matter your past. And we believe there’s hope. Our heart and prayer is that you’d encounter Jesus and discover that hope through choosing to follow Him, find purpose in serving Him, and restore the image in which you were originally created.