What Was I Made For? | Carter McInnis | August 11th, 2025

What Was I Made For? | Made For a Purpose

“What was I made for?” Every single one of us has asked that question. You’ve been in a job you didn’t like, a relationship that wasn’t going well, switched majors for the third time…  And, what’s worse, you scroll through Instagram and see amazing people do amazing things with their… Read More

“What was I made for?” Every single one of us has asked that question. You’ve been in a job you didn’t like, a relationship that wasn’t going well, switched majors for the third time…  And, what’s worse, you scroll through Instagram and see amazing people do amazing things with their lives. And you wonder, “Why am I here? What is my purpose on this giant green and blue planet amid all eight billion people?”   You are not an accident. You are not a collection of atoms or matter held together by gravity. You are not just biology. You are more than flesh & bones. God designed you for some things that are universal to all of us and some things that are unique to you. So let me just declare to you today: If you’ve got a pulse, you’ve got a purpose.