Here at Mountaintop, I am the Kids Ministry Assistant.
I was born in Iowa, moved to California as a teenager, my kids, and I moved to Alabama in 2003, Roll Tide!
I have a son, Danny, who is married to Rachel, and I have a daughter, Chyanna, who is in Nursing School and is engaged to Matt. My kids and I have made Mountaintop our church home since 2004, and I came on staff in 2006.
I was raised in the church. I turned away from church for a period of time but recommitted 100% after my children were born. I worked at Walt Disney Studios and for The Disney Channel for 20 years in California, which is very special for me.
I traveled to Costa Rica on a mission trip two times and love the people and ministry Mountaintop supports in Los Guidos.
I love going to the movies, spending time with family, and I like adventurous activities.
LaDonna Rausch
LaDonna Rausch